3 December 2020 Jimmy Carter Government is a contrivance of human wisdom to provide for human wants. People have the right to expect that these wants will be provided for by this wisdom.
3 December 2020 Geronimo The soldiers never explained to the government when an Indian was wronged, but reported the misdeeds of the Indians.
3 December 2020 Patricia Hewitt And some of what we’re doing in Government even now, some of the welfare reform programs that are helping lone mothers come into work are based on things that were very new under the Labour Government in the eighties.
3 December 2020 James Madison A pure democracy is a society consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the government in person.
3 December 2020 James Wolcott The lies the government and media tell are amplifications of the lies we tell ourselves. To stop being conned, stop conning yourself.
3 December 2020 Barbara Jordan What we have to do is strike a balance between the idea that government should do everything and the idea, the belief, that government ought to do nothing. Strike a balance.
3 December 2020 Milton Friedman Only government can take perfectly good paper, cover it with perfectly good ink and make the combination worthless.
3 December 2020 Sydney J. Harris Democracy is the only system that persists in asking the powers that be whether they are the powers that ought to be.
3 December 2020 William E. Gladstone It is the duty of government to make it difficult for people to do wrong, easy to do right.
3 December 2020 Woodrow Wilson The government, which was designed for the people, has got into the hands of the bosses and their employers, the special interests. An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy.
3 December 2020 Fred Woodworth Government is an unnecessary evil. Human beings, when accustomed to taking responsibility for their own behavior, can cooperate on a basis of mutual trust and helpfulness.
3 December 2020 P. J. O'Rourke Whatever it is that the government does, sensible Americans would prefer that the government does it to somebody else. This is the idea behind foreign policy.
3 December 2020 Lucy Powell It’s become unfashionable to celebrate political achievement, and Labour achievement even less so. And it’s positively uncouth to be proud of something that this Labour government is doing. So, slam me for saying so, but I’m really proud of the NHS.
3 December 2020 Andrew Jackson As long as our government is administered for the good of the people, and is regulated by their will as long as it secures to us the rights of persons and of property, liberty of conscience and of the press, it will be worth defending.
3 December 2020 Arlen Specter I am very much opposed to abortion personally. But I don’t think it is the government’s rule.
3 December 2020 Ayn Rand Potentially, a government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims.
3 December 2020 Albert Camus By definition, a government has no conscience. Sometimes it has a policy, but nothing more.
3 December 2020 Colin Powell We all hoped in 2001 that we could put in place an Afghan government under President Karzai that would be able to control the country, make sure al-Qaeda didn’t come back, and make sure the Taliban wasn’t resurging. It didn’t work out.
3 December 2020 Vladimir Putin We don’t need a weakened government but a strong government that would take responsibility for the rights of the individual and care for the society as a whole.
3 December 2020 Jonathan Kozol The primary victims of Katrina, those who were given the least help by the government, those rescued last or not at all, were overwhelmingly people of color largely hidden from the mainstream of society.
3 December 2020 Sean Connery There’s something fundamentally wrong with a system where there’s been 17 years of a Tory Government and the people of Scotland have voted Socialist for 17 years. That hardly seems democratic.
3 December 2020 Edward Abbey A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.
3 December 2020 Alexander Hamilton Why has government been instituted at all? Because the passions of man will not conform to the dictates of reason and justice without constraint.
3 December 2020 Ralph Nader President Reagan was elected on the promise of getting government off the backs of the people and now he demands that government wrap itself around the waists of the people.
3 December 2020 Scott Walker We are the ones looking out for the middle class. Who do think pays for the endless expansion of government? Its middle class taxpayers. Our reforms protect middle class taxpayers.
3 December 2020 Marco Rubio I pinch myself because of the understanding that I’ve been blessed with a real rare opportunity that few Americans ever get – to serve their government and their people at this level.
3 December 2020 Buenaventura Durruti No government fights fascism to destroy it. When the bourgeoisie sees that power is slipping out of its hands, it brings up fascism to hold onto their privileges.