3 December 2020 William Blake The difference between a bad artist and a good one is: the bad artist seems to copy a great deal the good one really does.
3 December 2020 William Blake He who binds to himself a joy Does the winged life destroy But he who kisses the joy as it flies Lives in eternity’s sun rise.
3 December 2020 William Blake To the eyes of a miser a guinea is more beautiful than the sun, and a bag worn with the use of money has more beautiful proportions than a vine filled with grapes.
3 December 2020 William Blake The hours of folly are measured by the clock but of wisdom, no clock can measure.
3 December 2020 William Blake Love seeketh not itself to please, nor for itself hath any care, but for another gives its ease, and builds a Heaven in Hell’s despair.
3 December 2020 William Blake Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.
3 December 2020 William Blake Imagination is the real and eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow.