3 December 2020 Jose Ortega y Gasset Life is a series of collisions with the future it is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be.
3 December 2020 Jose Ortega y Gasset We have need of history in its entirety, not to fall back into it, but to see if we can escape from it.
3 December 2020 Jose Ortega y Gasset Life is an operation which is done in a forward direction. One lives toward the future, because to live consists inexorably in doing, in each individual life making itself.
3 December 2020 Jose Ortega y Gasset An ‘unemployed’ existence is a worse negation of life than death itself.
3 December 2020 Jose Ortega y Gasset Love is that splendid triggering of human vitality the supreme activity which nature affords anyone for going out of himself toward someone else.