3 December 2020 Hart Crane And inasmuch as the bridge is a symbol of all such poetry as I am interested in writing it is my present fancy that a year from now I’ll be more contented working in an office than ever before.
3 December 2020 Esperanza Spalding I love people, and I love to be with people and to make music with people, but my natural state is to revert back to being by myself in my house, which is cool because that’s where I practice and write and listen and study.
3 December 2020 Anton Chekhov Life does not agree with philosophy: There is no happiness that is not idleness, and only what is useless is pleasurable.
3 December 2020 Godfrey Reggio Mystery is gone to the certainty of technological principles. So the real terror, the real aggression against life comes in the form of the pursuit of our technological happiness.
3 December 2020 James Buchan Were there peace and justice in the Middle East, the Arabs would no more need their tinhorn dictators than they would their corpulent princes.
3 December 2020 Thomas Paine Is it not a species of blasphemy to call the New Testament revealed religion, when we see in it such contradictions and absurdities.
3 December 2020 Fred Durst When life was worrying about a car payment or a rent payment and a bill, you’re so consumed with that, you really don’t have time to know yourself. That’s surviving and getting by.
3 December 2020 Rachael Taylor I think all television has to be about relationships and I don’t think horror for the sake of it can work unless you’re able to ground it in some kind of relationship.
3 December 2020 Wole Soyinka I found, when I left, that there were others who felt the same way. We’d meet, they’d come and seek me out, we’d talk about the future. And I found that their depression and pessimism was every bit as acute as mine.
3 December 2020 Jerry Saltz In 1998, Artnet was the site that convinced me that if my writing didn’t exist online, it didn’t exist at all. It showed me criticism’s future.
3 December 2020 Jessica Sanchez My friends are mostly familiar with music that plays on the mainstream radio.
3 December 2020 Tyra Banks Paris is one of the most beautiful places in all the world. Unfortunately, I was so homesick I couldn’t appreciate its beauty.
3 December 2020 Roger Goodell We will always make sure player health and safety is our No. 1 priority in the NFL.
3 December 2020 Sinead O'Connor I seek no longer to be a ‘famous’ person, and instead I wish to live a ‘normal’ life.
3 December 2020 Michael Caine I feel like 35. At 35 you’re old enough to know something and young enough to look forward to what you can do with the knowledge. So I stayed at 35!
3 December 2020 Denis Diderot Pithy sentences are like sharp nails which force truth upon our memory.
3 December 2020 John Foster Dulles The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year.
3 December 2020 Sandra Bullock Don’t corral me, and I’ll always come home. Just let me go out and play during the day.
3 December 2020 Albert J. Nock Useless knowledge can be made directly contributory to a force of sound and disinterested public opinion.
3 December 2020 Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel The difference between religion and morality lies simply in the classical division of things into the divine and the human, if one only interprets this correctly.
3 December 2020 Friedrich Durrenmatt Only the freedom of mind can prevent the state from becoming totalitarian and from issuing totalitarian demands.
3 December 2020 Charlie Hunter If we really wanted to be cool, and everyone in the world had Pro Tools, we could just put it up on the internet and everyone could make their own record out of it.
3 December 2020 David Lynch I didn’t watch much TV as a kid and I don’ t watch it now. I don’ t find anything beautiful or unique to the medium, and the only thing you can do on TV that you can’t do in film is make a continuing story – which is so cool!
3 December 2020 John Shadegg From cell phones to computers, quality is improving and costs are shrinking as companies fight to offer the public the best product at the best price. But this philosophy is sadly missing from our health-care insurance system.