3 December 2020 George Burns I’d rather be a failure at something I love than a success at something I hate.
3 December 2020 Antonio Gramsci My practicality consists in this, in the knowledge that if you beat your head against the wall it is your head which breaks and not the wall – that is my strength, my only strength.
3 December 2020 Stephen Jay Gould Science is not a heartless pursuit of objective information. It is a creative human activity, its geniuses acting more as artists than as information processors.
3 December 2020 Armstrong Williams In Washington, DC, politics dominate even the most casual conversations.
3 December 2020 Amy Grant But my experience is that people who have been through painful, difficult times are filled with compassion.
3 December 2020 Quentin Tarantino Movies are not about the weekend that they’re released, and in the grand scheme of things, that’s probably the most unimportant time of a film’s life.
3 December 2020 Sandra Bernhard I really, really love Hilary Clinton. I think she’s very cool. She’s out there and she’s involved.
3 December 2020 Toni Collette I don’t mind where I work, it’s really nice to be able to travel around and taste the flavours of different countries.
3 December 2020 Lester B. Pearson But while we all pray for peace, we do not always, as free citizens, support the policies that make for peace or reject those which do not. We want our own kind of peace, brought about in our own way.
3 December 2020 Nicholas Hoult Other people’s success spurs me on to do well and gives me motivation.
3 December 2020 John Avlon The American people are smart. They’ve gotten sick of the predictable hyperpartisan talking points and canned anger.
3 December 2020 James Russell Lowell Greatly begin. Though thou have time, but for a line, be that sublime. Not failure, but low aim is crime.
3 December 2020 Alfred E. Smith No sane local official who has hung up an empty stocking over the municipal fireplace, is going to shoot Santa Claus just before a hard Christmas.
3 December 2020 Trey Parker I don’t want to say never, but I hope I don’t become that ‘take me seriously now’ guy.
3 December 2020 Bob Marley Every time I plant a seed, He say kill it before it grow, he say kill it before they grow.
3 December 2020 Sri Aurobindo That which we call the Hindu religion is really the Eternal religion because it embraces all others.
3 December 2020 Rod Stewart I’ve never been more in love with anyone nearly half my age than I am today. I’d get married in a minute if I weren’t still married to somebody else.
3 December 2020 Christina Ricci The movies I made early on may not have been great, but they were all commercially successful.
3 December 2020 Rupert Murdoch Money is not the motivating force. It’s nice to have money, but I don’t live high. What I enjoy is running the business.
3 December 2020 Vladimir Lenin The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency.
3 December 2020 Joseph Gordon-Levitt There’s an absolute prejudice that good movies are dramas and comedies are more dismissable. But I couldn’t disagree more.
3 December 2020 Aeschylus In every tyrant’s heart there springs in the end this poison, that he cannot trust a friend.
3 December 2020 Alanis Morissette I’m excited about there being more of a sisterhood these days. Back in the ’90s there was a lot of hate – the women I looked up to as artists were dissing me! It’s not so patriarchal these days – there’s more love and a lot less hate!