3 December 2020 Ian Hamilton Finlay Well, probably I was fed up with concrete poetry. There was a lot of bad concrete poetry and besides, it was confused with visual poetry which was completely different.
3 December 2020 Jennifer Lopez I remember when I was 33 or 34, it was devastating because I realized I wasn’t a kid anymore. The great thing about 40 was that I really felt like I had life experience and knew what I was doing now.
3 December 2020 Susan Estrich I’m always suspicious of really beautiful women telling us we shouldn’t be worried about beauty.
3 December 2020 Mario Cantone Our black president can’t say that he’s for gay marriage. That is upsetting to me.
3 December 2020 Kathie Lee Gifford Mom thinks I live in this dream world where everybody’s Ivana Trump.
3 December 2020 Saint Basil Not the power to remember, but its very opposite, the power to forget, is a necessary condition for our existence.
3 December 2020 Dhani Harrison I never really saw my dad around when the Iron Maiden and the AC/DC were playing. But he knew what I was doing. I was just absorbing music. So he just kind of left me to my own devices.
3 December 2020 H. L. Mencken It is even harder for the average ape to believe that he has descended from man.
3 December 2020 Liza Minnelli He’s a good tough producer, yes. But I don’t think that he’s unreasonable unless he feels threatened. And when somebody’s in your home, I think everybody in the home gets threatened.
3 December 2020 Marco Rubio And yet, there are still people in American politics who, for some reason, cling to this belief that America is better off adopting the economic policies of nations whose people who immigrate here from there.
3 December 2020 Howie Carr About 25 years ago, I started out as a reporter covering politics. And that sort of just evolved into organized crime, because organized crime and politics were the same thing in Boston.
3 December 2020 Alexander Pope Some people will never learn anything, for this reason, because they understand everything too soon.
3 December 2020 Kelly Brook What I am is how I came out. No one’s perfect and you just have to accept your flaws and learn to love yourself.
3 December 2020 Talcott Parsons The functions of the family in a highly differentiated society are not to be interpreted as functions directly on behalf of the society, but on behalf of personality.
3 December 2020 Ted Nugent I’m not in the leftist controlled Rock and Roll Hall of Fame because of my political views, primarily my lifelong militant support of the NRA, the Second Amendment, and my belief that the only good bad guy is a dead bad guy.
3 December 2020 Jeanne Tripplehorn But I don’t think that it’s a form of family that I would be comfortable in. I’ve found a way to this character and this family, but I still believe that a marriage is between two people and not seven or three.
3 December 2020 Francesco Guicciardini Since there is nothing so well worth having as friends, never lose a chance to make them.
3 December 2020 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar I did a book in 1996, an overview of black history. In that process I became more aware of a lot of the black inventors of the 19th century.
3 December 2020 Eduard Hanslick Grant that the true organ with which the beautiful is apprehended is the imagination, and it follows that all arts are likely to affect the feelings indirectly.