3 December 2020 Jackson Browne Right around the end of the fifties, college students and young people in general, began to realize that this music was almost like a history of our country – this music contained the real history of the people of this country.
3 December 2020 Michelle Malkin Nothing symbolizes American strength and vigor more than another unaccountable Washington bureaucrat.
3 December 2020 Samuel Butler Man is God’s highest present development. He is the latest thing in God.
3 December 2020 Martin Scorsese It seems to me that any sensible person must see that violence does not change the world and if it does, then only temporarily.
3 December 2020 Paul Gauguin Art requires philosophy, just as philosophy requires art. Otherwise, what would become of beauty?
3 December 2020 Jack LaLanne Focus on your problem zones, your strength, your energy, your flexibility and all the rest. Maybe your chest is flabby or your hips or waist need toning. Also, you should change your program every thirty days. That’s the key.
3 December 2020 George Bernard Shaw Men have to do some awfully mean things to keep up their respectability.
3 December 2020 Alan Alda It isn’t necessary to be rich and famous to be happy. It’s only necessary to be rich.
3 December 2020 Epictetus Imagine for yourself a character, a model personality, whose example you determine to follow, in private as well as in public.
3 December 2020 Norton Juster I write best in the morning, and I can only write for about half a day, that’s about it.
3 December 2020 Will Durant Truth always originates in a minority of one, and every custom begins as a broken precedent.
3 December 2020 Edmund S. Muskie In the heat of our campaigns, we have all become accustomed to a little anger and exaggeration. Yet, on the whole, our political process has served us well.
3 December 2020 H. P. Blavatsky Even in our day, science suspects beyond the Polar seas, at the very circle of the Arctic Pole, the existence of a sea which never freezes and a continent which is ever green.
3 December 2020 Paul Farmer But if you’re asking my opinion, I would argue that a social justice approach should be central to medicine and utilized to be central to public health. This could be very simple: the well should take care of the sick.
3 December 2020 Ron Lewis It is incumbent upon each of us to improve spending and savings practices to ensure our own individual financial security and preserve the collective economic well-being of our great society.
3 December 2020 Will Durant It may be true that you can’t fool all the people all the time, but you can fool enough of them to rule a large country.
3 December 2020 Bryant H. McGill Sometimes power is all a person has, so they will protect it even unto their own destruction, for without power they have nothing.
3 December 2020 Barack Obama But if you – if what – the reports are true, what they’re saying is, is that as a consequence of us getting 30 million additional people health care, at the margins that’s going to increase our costs, we knew that.
3 December 2020 Francis Quarles Necessity of action takes away the fear of the act, and makes bold resolution the favorite of fortune.
3 December 2020 Enid Bagnold A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when she is a woman he turns her back again.
3 December 2020 Leonardo DaVinci As a well spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death.
3 December 2020 Patrick Duffy I’m an inherently happy person. It comes from the inside, which means you can achieve happiness under any circumstance.
3 December 2020 Barbara de Angelis No matter what age you are, or what your circumstances might be, you are special, and you still have something unique to offer. Your life, because of who you are, has meaning.
3 December 2020 C. S. Lewis There is, hidden or flaunted, a sword between the sexes till an entire marriage reconciles them.
3 December 2020 Jenni Rivera Perhaps trying to move away from my problems and focus on the positive is the best I can do.