3 December 2020 Arthur Erickson There is a single thread of attitude, a single direction of flow, that joins our present time to its early burgeoning in Mediterranean civilization.
3 December 2020 Pat Robertson Adoptive parents are taking on enormous responsibility, both emotionally and financially. Quite frankly, they need as much disclosure as possible about the child’s background and health to assure the best fit and be prepared.
3 December 2020 Elaine Paige I have been extremely pleased to support the Trust’s work in the Lupus Unit ever since. Personal experience also motivated me to become involved to help raise the awareness of the disease and hopefully thereby improve the speed of diagnosis.
3 December 2020 Michele Bachmann I do support a constitutional amendment on marriage between a man and a woman, but I would not be going into the states to overturn their state law.
3 December 2020 Candice Bergen I guess I was a mom so late in life, my daughter was the greatest thing since sliced bread.
3 December 2020 Margaret Mead It is an open question whether any behavior based on fear of eternal punishment can be regarded as ethical or should be regarded as merely cowardly.
3 December 2020 Samuel Butler The worst thing that can happen to a man is to lose his money, the next worst his health, the next worst his reputation.
3 December 2020 Clara Barton I have an almost complete disregard of precedent, and a faith in the possibility of something better. It irritates me to be told how things have always been done. I defy the tyranny of precedent. I go for anything new that might improve the past.
3 December 2020 Amiri Baraka A rich man told me recently that a liberal is a man who tells other people what to do with their money.
3 December 2020 Kristin Chenoweth I think it’s important to remember that Christianity was based in love and tolerance and forgiveness and acceptance.
3 December 2020 Kate Moss People think your success is just a matter of having a pretty face. But it’s easy to be chewed up and spat out. You’ve got to stay ahead of the game to be able to stay in it.
3 December 2020 Alanis Morissette Anything I do has to be directly related to my music. If it isn’t, I don’t really see a point to it.
3 December 2020 Meg Whitman Look at growth, look at how much time people spend on the Net and look at the variety of things that they are doing. It’s all really good, so I am actually encouraged by the fundamentals that underlie usage growth on the Net.
3 December 2020 Mayim Bialik It’s wonderful to be appreciated for being quirky, and to see Zooey Deschanel and the quirky, indie film types get mainstream play is amazing for women, because women are much more complicated than what we’ve see on TV in the past.
3 December 2020 George W. Bush The United States of America will never be intimidated by thugs and assassins. The killers will fail, and the Iraqi people will live in freedom.
3 December 2020 Marcus Aurelius Because your own strength is unequal to the task, do not assume that it is beyond the powers of man but if anything is within the powers and province of man, believe that it is within your own compass also.
3 December 2020 Christopher Morley It is unfair to blame man too fiercely for being pugnacious he learned the habit from Nature.
3 December 2020 Charles Kingsley Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting.
3 December 2020 Friedrich Nietzsche Genteel women suppose that those things do not really exist about which it is impossible to talk in polite company.
3 December 2020 Elia Kazan The writer, when he is also an artist, is someone who admits what others don’t dare reveal.
3 December 2020 Max Muller That is the returning to God which in reality is never concluded on earth but yet leaves behind in the soul a divine home sickness, which never again ceases.
3 December 2020 Christopher Bond Misdirected focus on paperwork, on procedures, and on bureaucracy frustrates teachers and fails to give children the education they need.
3 December 2020 Anna Pavlova Although one may fail to find happiness in theatrical life, one never wishes to give it up after having once tasted its fruits.
3 December 2020 Majel Barrett You go through at least the first two years of Star Trek and you find some amazing stuff. Everything that was going on Gene put into the series. He just put strange costumes on the actors and painted them funny colours and left the same situation in.